This page last updated September 25, 2024 |
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Some of these projects are currently in design One or more of the projects below are still in design. Descriptions below for projects that have not yet gone to construction are based on preliminary schematics and, as a result, details may change before the projects go to construction. This page will be updated when final schematics for each project are available. |

TxDOT has long-range plans to widen all of Loop 1604 south of US 90 to a four-lane divided highway. Two segments have been completed, and three more segments are planned. This page contains information about those projects.
1 | US 90 West to I‑35 South |
- Phase 1 (US 90 to Macdona-Lacoste Rd.) is tentatively planned to start in 2026
- Phase 2 (Macdona-Lacoste Rd. to Loop 1604) is tentatively scheduled for 2034
These projects will widen Loop 1604 from a two-lane rural road to a four-lane divided highway from US 90 West to I‑35 South. In general, the existing roadway will become the northbound lanes and a new southbound roadway will be built to the west. All intersections along this stretch will be reconfigured and improved.
Phase 1 - US 90 to Macdona Lacoste Rd.
Loop 1604 will be widened to a four-lane divided highway from US 90 to just north of Macdona Lacoste Rd. Restricted Crossing U‑turn (RCUT) intersections, also known as a "superstreet", will be built at Amber Heart, FM 143/Pue Rd., Stillhouse Hollow, Cielo Medina, and Pue Rd. South. All but the FM 143/Pue Rd. will be "right-in/right-out" intersections, meaning traffic can only turn right into or out of those streets with nearby turnarounds to facilitate left turns. The FM 143/Pue Rd. intersection will allow left turns from Loop 1604 to those respective streets, but no left turns from those streets onto Loop 1604. Again, turnarounds will facilitate those movements.
This configuration will improve safety and forestall future congestion along this stretch. See the Restricted Crossing U‑turn intersections page for more information on how these intersections work and how they reduce congestion and improve safety.
A new bridge over the Media River will be built to carry the new southbound lanes. The existing bridge will be repurposed for the new northbound lanes.
Phase 2 - Macdona Lacoste Rd. to I‑35 South
Loop 1604 will be widened to a four-lane divided highway from north of Macdona Lacoste Rd. (tying into the end of Phase 1) to I‑35 South.
At Macdona-Lacoste Rd./Nelson Rd., a second "jughandle" connector will be built on the west side of Loop 1604 to connect the new southbound lanes to Macdona-Lacoste Rd./Nelson Rd. The existing connector will serve the northbound lanes. Right-in/right-out intersections will be built at Kinney Rd. and Rovert Glenn Rd.
The current Dragon Lane intersection at Loop 1604 will be closed and Dragon Lane will dead end at the Southwest High School parking lot. A new connector road to Loop 1604 will be built just south of the existing Dragon Lane intersection and will be a right-in/right-out intersection along the new northbound access road from Pearsall Rd. to Loop 1604.
At Quintana Rd., the existing connector to Loop 1604 south of Quintana will be removed and replaced with a short driveway to adjacent properties. This will also remove the existing railroad crossing there. The existing connector north of Quintana will be lengthened and reconfigured to become the entrance and exit ramp to/from southbound Loop 1604, and a new entrance ramp to northbound Loop 1604 from Quintana will be built.
A new overpass and full interchange for Loop 1604 will be built at FM 2536/Old Pearsall Rd. Additional overpasses for the new lanes will be built at Macdona-Lacoste Rd./Nelson Rd., and Quintana Rd.
At I‑35, TxDOT is exploring a possible double-roundabout or "dumbbell" interchange.
Click on the images below to open the detailed schematics for this project from TxDOT with my own annotations added to help clarify and explain the various elements. Each schematic will open in a new window that you can scroll and zoom.
2 | US 281 South to FM 1303 |
Status: Completed in late 2020
This project widened Loop 1604 from a two-lane rural road to a four-lane divided highway from just west of US 281 to just north of FM 1303. Between US 281 and Campbellton Road, the existing roadway became the eastbound lanes and a new westbound roadway was built to the north of it. Between Campbellton and FM 1303, the existing roadway became the westbound lanes and a new eastbound roadway was built to the south of it.
At US 281, a full diamond interchange (i.e. entrance and exit ramps from both directions of Loop 1604) was constructed to replace the two existing connectors along with a new overpass for the westbound lanes.
Turnaround-only crossovers (both directions) were built just east of Rockport Rd., midway between Campbellton Rd. and Liedecke Rd., and just west of Labus Rd.
Full crossovers with turnarounds were built at FM 3499, FM 1937, Campbellton Rd., and FM 1303.
A full crossover without turnarounds was built at Priest Rd.
An eastbound-to-westbound turnaround was built midway between FM 3499 and FM 1937.
At S Flores Rd. east of I‑37, a westbound left turn to S Flores and turnarounds for both directions were built.
At Southside Heritage Elementary School, an eastbound left turn into the school was built.
At I‑37, dedicated left turn lanes as well as turnarounds for both directions of Loop 1604 were built.
3 | I‑10 East to FM 1346 |
- Phase 1 completed in January 2021
- Phase 2 is scheduled to start in late 2024
This project will widen Loop 1604 from a two-lane rural road to a four-lane divided highway from I‑10 East to FM 1346. Due to funding constraints, however, this project has been broken into two phases. The first phase ran from I‑10 East south to Martinez Creek and was completed in early 2021. The second phase, from Martinez Creek to FM 1346, is scheduled to start in late 2024. The descriptions and schematic below are for the entire project.
Full intersections with dedicated right and left turn lanes will be provided at FM 1346 and at Schuwirth Rd. The intersection at FM 1346 will be signalized and FM 1346 will be widened at Loop 1604 to add left and right turn lanes. The intersection at Green Rd. will be severed with each side becoming a "right-in/right-out" intersection. To turn left from Green Rd. onto 1604, or to continue straight through, will require a right turn and then a downstream U‑turn.
Turnarounds will be provided at the following locations:
- I‑10 East (northbound to southbound only)
- Midway between Green Rd. and Schuwirth Rd.
- At Schuwirth Rd.
- Midway between Schuwirth Rd. and Martinez Creek
- About 1/3rd of a mile south of Martinez Creek
- At FM 1346 (southbound to northbound only)
Each turnaround will have both a deceleration and acceleration/merge lane.
Other than the intersections and turnarounds noted above, there will be no crossovers along this stretch of Loop 1604. Traffic entering from driveways along this stretch will only be allowed to make a right turn. To turn left will require a right turn onto 1604 and then the use of a downstream turnaround.
Between FM 1346 and Abbott Rd., the roadway will taper back to a two-lane rural road. On southbound Loop 1604 at Abbott Rd., there will be a dedicated left turn lane and a dedicated right turn lane. The existing left turn land on northbound Loop 1604 there will remain.
A future project will continue the expansion south of FM 1346.
Click on the image below to open the detailed schematic for this project from TxDOT with my own annotations added to help clarify and explain the various elements. The schematic will open in a new window that you can scroll and zoom.
Other sites of interest
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TxDOT - Loop 1604 from US 90 to I-35 https://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/ |
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TxDOT - Loop 1604 from I-10 East to FM 1346 https://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/ |