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PROJECT INFO: Bandera Rd. RCUTs (Helotes)

This page last updated January 19, 2025

Project location map
Project location map Location
  • Bandera Rd. (SH 16) from Legend Trail to Diamond K Trail

  • Complete

  • Construction began in August 2022 and was completed in December 2024


On this page:


Here is a brief "PowerPoint" summary of this project:

Project description

This project converted the intersections on Bandera Rd. at Hausman Rd./Leslie Rd. and Cedar Trail to "Restricted Crossing U‑turn" (RCUT) intersections, added signalized turnarounds at multiple intermediate locations, and closed the crossover at Diamond K Trail. It has also constructed a new signalized left turn from northbound Bandera Rd. to Legend Trail, expanded the southbound Bandera left turn to Hausman to two lanes, and has widened Bandera to three lanes in each direction between Hausman/Leslie and Circle A Trail.

The RCUT intersections prevent traffic on Leslie/Hausman and Cedar Trail from going straight or turning left. Instead, all traffic must make a right turn, then use a signalized turnaround about 1,000 feet downstream to make a U‑turn and continue in the intended direction of travel. Left turns from Bandera Rd. to those cross streets is still allowed. To better visualize this, click on the following diagram.

Left turn schematic

Click above to see a simplified diagram of how drivers make a left turn at each intersection
(Base image from TxDOT; annotations by Brian Purcell)

This project also built an underground storm drainage system and added sidewalks throughout.

The intersection at FM 1560 South was converted to an RCUT configuration in 2018, and the intersection at Loop 1604 was converted to a displaced left turn (DLT) in 2019, so this will close the gap between these two improved intersections and complete the master plan for this section of Bandera Rd. TxDOT plans to eventually continue the RCUT configuration all the way to Triana Pkwy. as traffic warrants.

An RCUT intersection is also known as a "superstreet" or a "J-turn".

Typical RCUT intersection diagram

Typical RCUT intersection
(Base graphic from Wikipedia modified by Brian Purcell)

Circle A Trail intersection
With the previous project to realign the FM 1560 South intersection, the intersection at Circle A Trail was changed to a signalized right-in/right-out configuration (i.e. no left turns or crossovers). This was done to streamline traffic operations in the area as that intersection is fairly close to the new FM 1560 intersection and is between it and the southbound-to-northbound turnaround. This has understandably caused some consternation and grousing among residents of Helotes Park Estates who are now required to make a right turn and proceed to a turnaround about ¼ of a mile away in order to go south on Bandera, adding about ½ mile to their trip. (Some conspiracy-minded residents even absurdly assert that this configuration is retaliatory in some way.)

Based on resident feedback as part of the planning for the this project, TxDOT asked their engineering consultant to re-evaluate the Circle A Trail intersection to determine if it would be feasible to allow left turns from Circle A to southbound Bandera. While still physically possible, the analysis showed that doing so would be problematic from an overall operational standpoint. With the RCUT intersections, the signals in each direction of the corridor operate independently and therefore can be better timed for the respective traffic volumes, thus resulting in better overall traffic flow and fewer delays for all directions of travel. Converting the Circle A intersection to allow left turns would require the signals for northbound and southbound Bandera at that location to return to interdependent operation, thus complicating the coordination of the signals in one or both directions of the remainder of the corridor. This would nullify the benefits of the RCUTs and result in this intersection becoming a new bottleneck, the significance of which would increase over time as traffic in the corridor increases.

There were also safety issues with reintroducing left turn cross traffic conflicts at one location in a corridor that otherwise will not have any. The negative impacts to the overall corridor operation and safety were significant enough to outweigh the benefits for the relatively small volume of traffic from Circle A Trail.

It's worth noting that reducing congestion along Bandera benefits the residents of Helotes Park Estates and should reduce their overall travel time in the corridor even with the additional travel time required to execute the right-turn and U‑turn, and that there are many other locations where drivers are required to go a little out of their way for the benefit of overall efficiency and safety, including some long-time existing locations nearby along Bandera Rd.

How this project will help

The Bandera Rd./Hausman Rd./Leslie Rd. intersection experienced significant to severe recurring congestion during both the morning and evening rush hours and was the main choke point on Bandera outside Loop 1604. Converting the intersection to an RCUT has increased the throughput of the intersection and significantly reduced wait times and delays correspondingly in this section of the corridor.

How an RCUT increases intersection throughput
Forcing traffic on the cross street (Hausman/Leslie and Cedar Trail) to turn right allows that traffic to be overlapped with the corresponding left turn from Bandera and eliminates the need for green time for the left turn and straight-through movements from the cross streets. The green time that would have been needed for those movements can instead be allocated to the remaining movements, which therefore allows more traffic through the intersection in the same period of time, thus significantly reducing wait times and congestion. See the example signal timings below to get an idea of how an RCUT allows green time to be redistributed.

Ah ha!

If all of that sounds like technical gibberish, here's another way of explaining it:

At a traditional intersection, drivers who arrive as the light turns red have to wait for three or four other directions to get a green light before their light turns green again. At an RCUT intersection, drivers only have to wait for one signal change before they get a green again. Drivers then needing to use the turnaround may have to subsequently wait for one more signal change, but that's still less than before.

Additionally, with an RCUT, each half of the intersection operates independently of the other, so the signals along each direction of Bandera Rd. can be timed separately from the other direction, which means better coordination and synchronization are possible.

Modeling showed that this configuration is expected to provide good long-term congestion relief based on 20-year traffic projections.

Example Bandera Rd. - Hausman Rd./Leslie Rd. signal timings

  • The whole pie below represents the time for a full signal cycle (~150 seconds).
  • The pieces of the pie show the proportion of green time each movement gets during each cycle.
  • Blue sections represent Bandera Rd. traffic.
  • With an RCUT, all the movements except the through movements on Bandera get combined, and, in this example, are combined into the biggest piece of the pie from the conventional intersection. After doing so, that slice can (and probably will) be increased as needed to better accommodate Hausman/Leslie traffic, and even after doing so, everyone still gets more green time than they had in the conventional intersection.
  • Timing splits are approximate as they change during the day, but are typical.
  • Previous timings were obtained by yours truly by monitoring the intersection for three half-hour periods during a Wednesday in April 2022.
  • Finally, in an RCUT, the signals on each side of Bandera Rd. can be timed independently of the other, and thus would be two separate pies, so the RCUT chart below combines both directions for simplicity.
Previous (conventional)
Current signal phasing pie chart
RCUT signal phasing pie chart

Blue sections represent Bandera Rd. traffic
The other sections represent the other intersection movements relative to Bandera Rd.

* The orange slice in the RCUT used the largest orange slice from the conventional intersection and can be increased if needed. Read the fourth point in the explanation above for more details.

SH 16 RCUT sign

For a deeper dive on how an RCUT functions and how it improves traffic flow, see the main Restricted Crossing U‑turn intersections page.

Signal coordination
With this project, the signals along Bandera between FM 1560 South and Loop 1604 will be coordinated/synchronized in both directions with different timing plans based on day and time-of-day. These plans will be adjusted after the project is completed based on observed traffic patterns. Eventually, planners hope to implement a more demand-responsive coordinated system.

Cedar Trail intersection
Although it was not as congested, converting the Cedar Trail intersection was necessary to provide continuity of improvement. If the Cedar Trail intersection were not also converted, then it would soon become a bottleneck as its conventional signal cycle would not be congruous with the improved throughput at upstream intersections in both directions.

Legend Trail intersection
The new left turn at Legend Trail provides direct access to the Stanton Run neighborhood from northbound Bandera Rd. Previously, that traffic had to make a U‑turn at Cedar Trail which is now prohibited. Since a turnaround for southbound Bandera Rd. was necessary at Legend Trail anyway, the left turn to Legend Trail was a sensible addition. The new signal it introduces for southbound Bandera will be integrated into the overall signal coordination afforded by the upstream RCUTs.

Diamond K Trail intersection
Closing the crossover at Diamond K Trail was necessary as it had become an increasingly dangerous intersection and would be more so in the future, and direct crossovers like this within an RCUT segment negate the safety and congestion improvements the RCUTs provide.


Once the Leslie Rd./Hausman Rd. intersection was closed in early June, positive results were seen immediately, with the typical morning inbound and afternoon outbound congestion on Bandera at that intersection evaporating overnight. Many observers attributed the congestion relief to the end of school (admittedly a fair assumption) with predictions that "things will be terrible" when school resumed in late August. However, after school started back up, the congestion did not return, and traffic has been mostly orderly thus far (as of mid November) with the exception of numerous illegal U-turns being made at Legend Trail and Cedar Trail. Additional signage has been installed and enforcement efforts are underway.

Perhaps the biggest early test of that intersection — and objective proof as to how well this design works — came on the afternoon of October 1st. Workers had the right lane of northbound Bandera closed at and just past Hausman Rd. until nearly 5:00 pm. This caused substantial congestion on both Bandera and Hausman (see Google Map image below.) (It's worth noting that this congestion was very similar to the afternoon congestion there prior to this project.) Within 15 minutes of the closure ending, the backup on Bandera was completely erased, and by 5:30 pm — the peak of rush hour, no less — the congestion on Hausman was also completely gone (see Google Map image below), thus demonstrating the substantial capacity and throughput these intersections provide. Prior to this project, that congestion would have persisted well into the evening.

5:00 pm

Google Maps traffic screenshot

5:30 pm

Google Maps traffic screenshot

Google Maps live traffic on October 1st, 2024

Workers picked-up a lane closure on northbound Bandera Rd. at Hausman Rd. shortly before 5:00 pm. Notice the long traffic backups on Hausman (nearly to Rehm Dr.) and on Bandera (nearly to Loop 1604) at that time. By 5:30 pm, those backups had been completely cleared-out, thus demonstrating the substantial capacity and throughput these intersections provide.

(Screenshots from Google Maps by Brian Purcell)



Click on the image below to open the detailed schematic for this project from TxDOT with my own annotations added to help clarify and explain the various elements. The schematic will open in a new window that you can scroll and zoom.

Schematic thumbnail

Click the image above for a full-sized schematic of this project


TxDOT has a good video that describes this project:

Other sites of interest

TxDOT - Virtual Public Meeting - SH 16 Helotes
Pape-Dawson "Superstreets in Texas" presentation
NC Department of Transportation presentation on superstreets
(Excellent explanation of all aspects of superstreets)
Wikipedia - Superstreet
Virginia Department of Transportation - Restricted Crossing U‑turn
Federal Highway Administration - Restricted Crossing U‑turn Intersection Informational Guide
An Update on Superstreet Implementation and Research